Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Well, I've been working my crafting fingers to the bone. LOL. I've been swapping like crazy on swap-bot. I have tons of pics to show of lots of stuff I made. Also, I created a really awesome bookmark. Could be used for other things as well. It's a corset. I crocheted it in #3 thread. Came out pretty awesome, if I say so myself. Oh yeah, I am saying so. LOL I was in a bookmark swap for Lolita's and it was for a Hime Lolita. I couldn't find anything to use in the patterns I have so I decided what the hey, and made my own. I'll have to put a pic up and then write up the pattern and share with anyone that would like it.

I made my second amiguruimi. This one was for a swap. It is awesome. I totally love making these. I like getting them better, but I do like making them. :) I checked my partners profile and she loves cats. so has some really great patterns for the zodiac cats. So I thought what the heck, I'll make my partner a cat, and I'll make it a zodiac cat. Go figure, her astrology sign is Leo. Duh, it's a cat. I decided to make it anyway. I changed mine a bit, I added paw pads to the arm paws as well as the leg paws, and I added fur to the tip of the tail. I mean to me a lion has pads on all their paws and I remember from the wizard of oz that the cowardly lion used his tail to wipe his tear stained eyes. LOL I know, weird. I used chenille yarn for the paws, and fur. It gave it a more velvety feel and look.

I'm also getting into make ATC's and my next one should be done any day now. This one is intitled "Zeus". It's coming along really good. I'll just keep my fingers crossed and hope it comes out great.

Started my left knee injections of suparts which is this gel stuff that will act like cartilage for my knee. Hopefully it will make my knee last a lot longer than the right one. The right one is supposed to be replaced, but unless I can drop my extra, extra weight, then no go. I'll probably end up dragging it around. LOL. I just can't seem to drop this weight. I start out great on dieting and then 2 weeks into it, I give up and go back to my old ways. It's not that I eat a lot, it's just that I eat all the wrong foods, and I eat once a day. All the wrong ways to eat. I'm an old dog, and can't learn any new tricks. HA HA HA

This weather is so horrendous lately. All it's doing is raining. I am so sick of the rain. The last time it rained for the whole month, (well seemed like the whole month), of July, was in 1978. I lived in FL then and came back up here to MA to visit family for the month of July and it rained almost every day. Gee, maybe we'll end up with a blizzard this winter like the one they had in '78. Damn, my mom sent me pics of that storm. The roads were closed, the city and towns were closed down, and the snow covered the cars. I was on the beach, tanning and swimming then. LOL Oh I wish we were back in FL. I loved living there.

AJ had a birthday, he is now 4. Gosh, he's growing so fast. And he's smart. Got a bad temper though and when he gets mad, he tries to beat the person up. He will throw things, hit with things, punch, kick, and scream. He doesn't do it to me. I told him, whatever he does to me, I will do to him. I will, and he knows it. But the other day I was cleaning their toy area, and did something and swore the F word. He looked at me calmly and said, "Nunna, don't say F, say freakin". I appologized and repeated it the right way. Damn, he's quick.

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