Sunday, February 3, 2008

Spring 2008

So, today I start my blog. It seems so funny that I am blogging, but I want a place to show my crafts, share my life, and rant if needed. Today I will start with where I am in my life. I'm in my office. LOL No seriously, I am beginning a new stretch to my life. I am crocheting my ass off to get my daughter's shawl done for her wedding so that I can then crochet my own shawl. as well as one for my mother, my daughter's mother-in-law to be, and each of the 3 bridesmaids. All of these must be done before the wedding which is April 26, 2008. I can do it. At least I'm thinking positively.

So, what do I do. I am a homemaker, and I babysit my 2 grandchildren. Ashton Jamison, AJ, who is 2 1/2 and a boy from hell, and Tatiana, Tati, who is 5. I watch AJ six days a week and he is just uggghhh. I love him dearly, but he sure keeps me hopping. Tati goes to school, so I only have her in the afternoons. Of course they live with my husband and me along with their mother. But that is only until she gets married. Yup, you guessed it, she's the one getting married in April. Thank the Hallowed Halls of Hell. I love her dearly, but please, I need some peace and quiet in my old age. HA HA She says I'll miss her and the kid's so much, I'll just ramble around the house complaining that I miss them. Yea right. Not. I'm getting my motorcycle license this spring and I will be tooling down the road with hubby. Oh do people still say that? Whatever.

So this is it for now. Gonna go explore this blog stuff and add more garbage soon.
ciao til later.

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